
Posted & filed under Beauty and Skin, Body, Cosmetic Surgery, Photo Protection.

WHAT IS PIGMENTATION AND WHAT CAUSES IT?At the Banwell Clinic we are passionate about skin health and always advocate being ’SunSmart’. It is well documented that sun exposure has a direct link to skin cancers, but also 80% of skin ageing is caused by the sun. Whilst most of us are familiar with UVA, UVB and UVC, we now recognise that infra red and visible light plays a significant part in skin aging and other skin conditions such as pigmentation.
Pigmentation describes a range of conditions where skin becomes discoloured with blotchy brown spots. A common example is melasma, which mainly affects young women during pregnancy.  Pigmentation can be caused by hormonal factors, skin trauma and excessive sun exposure, as when your skin is exposed to sunlight; it produces a pigment called melanin to help protect it from ultraviolet light. If you are concerned about pigmentation it is always best to seek advice. At the Banwell Clinic we offer skin health assessments using the latest ‘Observ’ technology, which allows us to see beneath the skin which the naked eye cannot . At the Banwell Clinic these are our recommended top treatments to help with the appearance of pigmentation:
MICRODERMABRASION is a recommended proven treatment option for mild hyperpigmentation of the skin. This non-chemical procedure is non-abrasive, which means it does not destroy skin tissue, and therefore does not require significant recovery time. MDA buffs away the dead skin cells from the stratum corneum (top layer of the skin), gently resurfacing the skin giving you a healthier, more even skin tone.
XENON LIGHT (LASER) can help with pigment disorders; the light is absorbed by the skins melanin and converted into heat. This leads to protein coagulation of the pigment, the melanin flocculates. About 10-12 days later you may welcome a positive change for example; lightening of the pigment. The pigmentation becomes lighter after each treatment and can be dissolved completely depending on the case.
MEDICAL SKIN NEEDLING helps reduce hyperpigmentation by shedding the top layer of the skin and producing normal melanocyte and new collagen and elastin. Gradually over time your pigmentation will start to break apart and fade. Medical skin needling also helps with texture, scarring, stretch marks and generally rejuvenation the skin.
ENZYME REACTIVATORS are a proven system of ultra-mild, in-clinic skin treatments targeting pigmentation, sun-damage and acne. For best results and long-term luminosity, they are usually prescribed as a course of four to six clinical treatments performed a week to a month apart, depending on your unique skin concerns. Over the course of treatment your skin specialist will tailor the actives and strengths according to your skin’s individual responses.
We all know that exposure has a direct link to skin cancers; in some cases surgical removal of pigmentation/sun spots is required for your own health and safety. Before any treatment is taken out on pigmentation Mr Banwell will always advise which option is best.
Fundamental to all skin health and photo-protection all patients should consider the following:
Photo-protection should be effective throughout the entire Solar Constant (the medical term for UltraViolet, Infra Red and visible light.)  For ultimate protection we advise sunscreens containing Zinc Oxide, Titanium Dioxide, Fernblock technology and solar constant protective agents that are Pro vitamin D. Using these actives, the skins natural defences are enhanced offering increased solar resilience.
UV radiation will cause photo immunosuppression resulting in impaired activity of the skins own immune system and cells. Using Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) an immune modulator, will boost the skins immune responses by stimulating Langerhan cell function. Look for sunscreens and topical serums that contain between 4-10% which should be used daily.
Antioxidants do not only rejuvenate ageing and sun damaged skin but prevent the formation of free radicals caused by solar radiation. Antioxidants are recommended for daily use and should include Vitamins A, C and E. Combining Vitamin C with Vitamin E has been shown to offer even further protection. Resveratrol is another powerful antioxidant which will reinforce the skins natural protection against free radical damage and will work overnight as we sleep. Serums and night creams should contain 1%.
In addition to overall health, Vitamin D plays an integral role in skin protection. Vitamin D contributes to Skin cell growth, repair and metabolism. It optimises the skins immune system and can help destroy free radicals that cause premature aging. Vitamin D supplements should be taken on a daily basis.
In addition to the above advice, we should of course, minimise our sun exposure especially between midday-3pm. Always carry sun protection with you, wear a floppy hat whilst outdoor and remember to be a diva…..wear your sunnies!!!
Everything we have mentioned in this blog post is available at The Banwell Clinic, for more information or if you are worried about anything everyone is entitled to a complimentary skin consultation using our unique Observ skin analysis system. Call us to book on 01342 330302 or email us at help@paulebanwell.com
Skin Cancer