Wrinkle Reduction Package

Posted & filed under Beauty and Skin, Body, Cosmetic Surgery, Photo Protection.

As we age both skin and fat pads migrate downwards making us look tired and older. Simply adding a small amount of volume to the cheek area can have an impressive impact on other facial features.
You’ll be amazed at the indirect effect cheek augmentation can have on the tear trough area, a little fullness in the cheeks can help the appearance of under eye dark hollowing and give a less tired and fresher appearance. Similarly if you have lost volume in the nose to mouth lines or the mouth to chin lines, rather than add unwanted weight in this area, a subtle lift in the cheeks will alleviate heaviness and lessen the appearance of jowls. Our experienced advanced Aesthetic Nurses can strategically enhance and rejuvenate the face by treating the cause of the problem and not necessarily where you see the problem!
Here at the Banwell Clinic we use the latest generation Hyaluronic Acid fillers which attract and retain water to add structure and volume whilst rehydrating the skin. The soft, malleable consistency allows for a subtle and natural looking lift which optimises features in a safe and effective way.
So if you’re concerned about looking tired or sad, pop in and see us for a complimentary consultation and we’ll tell you more!

